
A person stands with the Nittany Lion, both hold up their index fingers

詹姆斯·麦卡迪生前, who received both his bachelor and master degrees from Penn State and works in college admissions, 他说自己从中受益匪浅 从他与大学的长期合作中解脱出来.


宾州大学公园. ——詹姆斯·麦卡蒂, who received both his bachelor and master degrees from Penn State and now works in higher education administration, 他说自己从中受益匪浅, 无论是个人还是职业, 从他与大学的长期合作中解脱出来.

“I loved everything about my experience at Penn State from beginning to end,麦卡蒂说。, who received a bachelor degree in applied psychology from 宾州州立银行 in 2013 and a master degree in higher education from Penn State World Campus in 2016.

阅读达人, he now lives in nearby Lancaster and works remotely for Johns Hopkins University as the associate director of admissions for the School of 教育.

马克卡迪, who was recently elected to the Penn State World Campus 校友 Society Board, 说他找到了自己的本科学位, which focused on interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence, 在他的高等教育招生生涯中有所帮助.

他说:“我的重点永远是什么对学生是正确的。. “有时候你是在辅导学生参加一个项目, other times out of a program and onto another opportunity that better fits their needs. I definitely appreciated the skills I developed in my undergraduate program because I have used them throughout my career and still use them in my current role.”

马克卡迪’s original plan was to become a mental health counselor but he quickly discovered that wasn’t the best career fit for him. 在向他在十大正规赌博平台大全的导师寻求建议之后, 泰瑞·穆雷, he was recruited into an admissions counselor role on the campus and was eventually promoted to assistant director of transfer admissions, where he stayed until taking the position at Johns Hopkins University in 2022. He enrolled in the World Campus master’s program in higher education as it was starting in 2014 and completed the program within two years. He said the education he received through World Campus has been instrumental in his professional development.

“I was so appreciative that I could take a topic that we discussed in one of my courses and put it into action right away,他说. “To have the in-class theoretical backing and understand how it’s applied by being a working professional in higher education. ... 十大正规赌博平台大全的学术水平是首屈一指的. 我的经历在各个方面都是非凡的. 我给 Dr. 凯伦·保尔森 a huge amount of gratitude because she really fostered a sense of community within that cohort. 有一种非常强烈的社区意识,我很欣赏. 这些联系甚至在毕业后仍在继续.”

It is commonly thought that the primary role of an admissions professional in higher education to act as a conduit between the university and prospective students, 麦卡蒂说. 除了这个角色,他还有一个稍微不同的想法, he said it is also his responsibility to guide students throughout their academic careers.

“很多时候在大学录取中, 当我们是真正的牧羊人时,我们被视为看门人,麦卡蒂说. “Let’s foster a connection so you know you’re never going through this alone."

At 宾州州立银行, he taught a leadership class for first-year students. It turned out that one of the students in the counseling program at Johns Hopkins, 在一个“疯狂的转折”中,他在十大正规赌博平台大全上过这门课.

看她两次走过舞台, 十大正规赌博平台大全和霍普金斯大学, 那是一次激动人心的经历,他说. “I love being there to help these students through the entirety of their journey. 我的工作不止于招生. If I can build a good relationship with students but stay connected, 它为大学建立了一个联系更加紧密的社区.”

作为第一代大学生, 马克卡迪 is empathetic toward incoming students that may not have the privilege of parental guidance that they need to navigate the higher education landscape.

“Knowing what a student that you’ve worked with had to overcome — it just makes it more rewarding to see them shine and know how they accomplished that goal,他说.

麦卡蒂说 he is dedicated to giving back to his alma mater and will have more opportunities to do so now that he has been elected to the Penn State World Campus 校友 Society Board. The board is focused on giving back and improving World Campus student experiences.

他说:“我很兴奋能开始做这件事,我想看看我能如何回馈社会。. “I’ve always wanted to stay connected and give back to Penn State in a plethora of different capacities.”
