从最初的怀俄明理工学院(WPI)到1958年成为十大正规赌博平台大全系统的一部分, the Berks campus has experienced many changes. WPI occupied the original Sacred Heart Church building on Hill Road, where the McDonald's Restaurant now stands, 从1930年到1958年,它的设施被提供给十大正规赌博平台大全,建立十大正规赌博平台大全怀俄米辛中心, now 宾州州立银行 campus. It moved to its present Spring Township location in 1972. 随着1990年宿舍的增加,伯克斯成为一个居住和通勤的校园. 1997年,赌博平台大全被授予“学院”地位,并开始提供各种各样的四年制学士学位课程. 今天 宾州州立银行 includes 30 buildings on 258 acres of land, and there are 231 full-time and adjunct faculty members. Residence halls provide housing for 805 students. The college celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2008. Several unique projects documented our history at this time. 阅读我们的 周年纪念项目
History of 宾州州立银行
十大正规赌博平台大全和伯克郡有着长期而富有成效的合作关系, 可以追溯到1914年, 当时该校首次向县居民开设农业推广课程. As Berks County evolved, so did its relationship with the University.
The roots of 宾州州立银行 are in the textile industry, 吸引了两位搬到伯克斯县开始自己创业的德国企业家的想象力. 1892年,费迪南德·图恩和亨利·杨森在雷丁开设了纺织机械厂. 随着他们的业务扩大,他们开设了窄织物公司和伯克希尔针织厂, Thun and Janssen found they needed trained workers, so they started an education program in 1927, called the Educational Department of 纺织机械厂. Penn State instructors helped facilitate the program, which began with sixteen young men in the basement of TMI. Soon, the school opened its doors to the community.
Wyomissing Polytechnic Institute
In 1933, 学校被授予州宪章,并更名为怀俄明理工学院(WPI)。, officially considered the predecessor to 宾州州立银行. 同年, 十大正规赌博平台大全宣布将给WPI项目的毕业生提供两年的大学学分.
Despite its excellent reputation and popularity within the community, graduating approximately 1,500年的历史, WPI closed its doors in 1958, a victim of the difficult economic times for the textile industry.
Since WPI and Penn State had a long and successful relationship, 它的创始人将WPI大楼提供给十大正规赌博平台大全,用于建立一个推广中心. The University accepted the offer.
The Wyomissing Center of The 宾西法尼亚 State University
十大正规赌博平台大全怀俄米辛中心于7月1日开馆, 1958, 这是该大学不断壮大的系统中的第14个联邦校区.
Dr. 哈罗德·W. Perkins was named director in 1959, and quickly began establishing connections with the community, forming an advisory board, 哪些因素有助于新中心实现其目标.
By 1964, 学校更名为伯克中心,以反映其不断扩大的服务范围, 到1968年, 几乎所有的大学学士学位的头两年都提供. As the school continued to grow in size and scope, it became apparent that it would need to move to a larger site.
In 1972, the institution moved to a new 106-acre site in Spring Township, and was renamed 宾州州立银行 campus. The first campus structure, the Luerssen Building was built in 1972. It was followed by the Perkins Student Center in 1973, the 图恩湖库 in 1975, and the Beaver Community Center in 1979.
Dr. 弗雷德里克·H. 盖奇是富布赖特学者和南亚学者,于1984年接替帕金斯. 从1984年到2001年,盖奇担任十大正规赌博平台大全首席执行官,并将校园转变为一所拥有四年制学术课程的住宿学院. 1984年,赌博平台大全有1092名学生. 在盖奇的领导下,在接下来的16年里,入学人数增长到2000多名学生.
随着一栋教学楼的建设,校园继续扩大, known today as the Franco Building. Expansion continued as the campus acquired a 110-acre farm in 1987, on which a greenhouse was constructed in 1990, as well as athletic fields and a stand-alone bookstore.
一个重要的里程碑是在1990年秋天增加了学生宿舍. The first phase housed 200 students, 第二年,第二阶段又增加了200名学生. 此外,欣茨书店和欣茨体育馆于1991年开业.
宾州州立银行-Lehigh Valley College
Another major milestone occurred in 1997, when 十大正规赌博平台大全 reorganized its campus structure, 结果就是, 十大正规赌博平台大全伯克校区与十大正规赌博平台大全利哈伊谷校区合并,成立十大正规赌博平台大全伯克-利哈伊谷学院. 这是很重要的,因为新的机构现在有权授予学士学位.
在此期间,伯克斯校区为图书馆增加了一个学习和技术设施. An additional 400 beds were added in two phases in 1999 and 2000, bringing the total residential population to more than 800 students.
Gaige retired in 2001, and Dr. Susan Phillips Speece was named dean of the new college. With an impressive background in science, 她为学院带来了更多对技术的关注和对保护环境的承诺.
In 2003, 学院被接纳为NCAA第三分部的临时成员, 允许学生参加大学四年的体育活动.
宾州州立银行, a college of The 宾西法尼亚 State University
Although the new college was successful, the University decided to reorganize again in 2005, 还有双校区学院, including Berks-Lehigh Valley, returned to being individual campuses. 宾州州立银行 retained its college status.
2011年,Dr。. R. Keith Hillkirk succeeded Speece as Chancellor of 宾州州立银行. Hillkirk previously served as Chancellor of Penn State Schuylkill. Prior he served as dean of the College of Education and Human Services at Southern Illinois University Carbondale; and as a faculty member, director of partnerships, 现任俄亥俄大学教育学院教师教育副院长. 在此之前,他曾在十大正规赌博平台大全公园校区担任教育学助理教授, 他是十大正规赌博平台大全教育学院的研究生助理,同时获得了课程与教学博士学位. 他的学术兴趣包括专业发展模式以及大学之间合作关系的建立和维护, 学校和社区.
2011年,盖革科技与商业创新大厦建成. 60,000平方英尺的教学楼提供了最先进的学习环境, 新的教员办公室, and professional conference spaces. 该建筑已被授予LEED金级认证,由美国环保局建立.S. 获绿色建筑认证协会(GBCI)认证. LEED is the nation’s preeminent program for the design, 建设, and operation of high performance green buildings.
In 2014, the Artificial Turf Athletic Field was completed. Built to expand both the college’s NCAA Division III sports programs, 同时也为学生提供更多的娱乐机会, 人造草坪运动场包括用于夜间比赛和活动的灯光,以及可容纳300名观众的永久性露天看台.
今天, 宾州州立银行 has a total enrollment of more than 2,300名学生, and offers 21 baccalaureate degrees, 4副学士学位, 2个研究生学位, and a wide variety of 继续教育 programs. The campus includes 30 buildings on 258 acres, with residence halls providing housing for 805 students.
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